Vivendi, result 2024 discounts spin-off effects

Vivendi result 2024 discounts spin off effects

(Finance) – Vivendi announced i annual results of 2024, that cinerPo the effects of the group’s spin-off in four distinct businness units, indicating a net property value of the investments equal to 4,829 billion eurosor 4.69 euros per share, at 31 December 2024. In the same period the Investment portfolio value of the group is equal to over 7.1 billion euro.

In 2024, i Vivendi revenues were 297 million euros, down 4.9% Compared to the 312 million euros of 2023‘Ebit is negative for 1 million euroscompared to -33 million euros in 2023. This positive variation is due to the improvement of Gameloft’sbit and a substantial increase in the share of UMG net profits, from 94 million euros of 2023 to 122 million euros in 2024.

As a result of the spin-off and its accounting effects, the result attributable to Vivendi’s shareholders if highlight one loss of approximately 6 billion euros, Compared to a profit of 405 million euros in 2023, and discounts the losses relating to the deconsolidation of Canal+, Louis Hachette Group and Havas, the devaluation relating to Gameloft and the financial consequences of the transaction achieved with institutional investors. THE‘rectified net profit it is 111 million euros (0.11 euros per share), compared to the 336 million euros of 2023 (0.33 euros per share).

At 31 December 2024, net financial debtrectified for the loan of 500 million euros in Lagardère, was ari at 2.072 billion euros.
