Vitamin dies when cooked! 10 foods you should definitely eat raw

Vitamin dies when cooked 10 foods you should definitely eat

The raw food trend is gaining more and more followers. Indeed, cooking often causes foods to lose some of their nutritional properties.

Since vegetables and fruits provide the necessary vitamins and minerals for the body, they are essential food groups in any balanced and healthy diet. There are many ways to prepare them; steaming, cooking, frying, grilling… However, some fruits and vegetables retain their properties and benefits best when eaten raw.


You’ve heard of the health benefits of broccoli before, but did you know it’s best to eat it raw?

Broccoli contains high amounts of sulforaphane, a phytochemical that helps prevent cancer, heart disease, inflammation, depression and many other serious health problems.

Studies show that our bodies absorb sulforaphane faster when broccoli is eaten raw rather than cooked. Microwaving, boiling, or sautéing broccoli is known to reduce the vegetable’s vitamin C levels. If you don’t like raw broccoli, try steaming it. This cooking method is the one that best preserves nutrients.


Onions provide many health benefits, including fighting cancer, thanks to their high concentration of quercetin, a flavonoid. By consuming your onions raw, you can maximize their anti-cancer properties. Cooking onions reduces the benefits of cancer-fighting phytochemicals.


In addition, onions contain substances that can prevent cardiovascular diseases. Studies show that raw onions cooked in the oven completely lose their heart-friendly properties in 30 minutes.


Low-calorie tomatoes are a great food, as they are mostly water, rich in lycopene and vitamins. You can combine them with raw chili peppers to maintain their high vitamin C content. The high vitamin C in tomatoes is lost with heat.



Like onions, garlic contains heart-friendly substances, but its cardiovascular preventive properties are affected by heat just like onions. Studies show that heating garlic at 200°C for 6 minutes completely destroys its heart-friendly properties.


Studies also show that heat disables the alliinase enzyme in garlic. Boiling garlic for 20 minutes completely removes its antibacterial properties, and 1 minute of microwave cooking destroys its cancer-fighting properties 100 percent. Crushing the garlic and letting it sit for 10 minutes before heating partially restores its anticarcinogenic effect, but cooked garlic is 30 percent less effective than raw garlic.


You probably know that blueberries are good for your health. They are packed with powerful antioxidants called flavonoids. Eating them raw gives you all their benefits.


Studies show that cooking blueberries reduces levels of polyphenols.


Paprika is a quick and easy way to add flavor to dishes, but peppers are best eaten raw. Among the foods that strengthen your immune system, red peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, they contain almost 3 times the vitamin C of an orange. But heat can destroy this essential nutrient.

Studies show that cayenne pepper contains more antioxidants than other peppers. This makes them excellent nutrients against oxidative damage, which can increase the risk of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and many other diseases.


Asparagus, which is low in calories and full of vitamins, has many benefits for our body. Thanks to its high content of vitamins A, B and C, folic acid and iron, asparagus contributes to the formation of blood cells, helps intestinal transit, prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

However, when asparagus is consumed cooked, it loses 50 percent of its benefits.

black cabbage

Cabbage, a cruciferous vegetable, contains compounds called glucosinolates that turn into a different disease-fighting compound when it comes in contact with the enzyme myrosinase.

But research shows that heat deactivates myrosinase. Therefore, cooked cabbage does not have the same properties as raw cabbage.


Beets are packed with many healthy nutrients, including the five essential vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, and protein. They also contain high levels of fiber and folic acid (vitamin B9).


However, cooked beets lose 25 percent of their folic acid and other vitamins and minerals. Add grated beets to add a pop of color to your salads, or make a raw beetroot salad with other raw vegetables or citrus fruits.


Studies show that fresh pineapple juice is more effective at reducing colon inflammation and abnormal tissue growth around the colon than boiled pineapple juice. Researchers attribute this difference to higher bromelain levels in fresh juice.

Various studies show that bromelain has the same effect as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but with fewer side effects. Eating raw pineapple is also known to help reduce swelling and bruising in patients after surgery.
