Vitamin D: do deficiencies increase the risk of severity of Covid-19?

Vitamin D do deficiencies increase the risk of severity of

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    Preliminary research has shown that there may be a link between significant vitamin D deficiencies and an increased risk of developing a lethal form of Covid-19.

    Vitamin D supplementation in patients with severe forms of Covid-19 could benefit them, reveals a study presented virtually at ENDO 2021, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society and relayed by Eureka Alert. Researchers from Montefiore Health System and Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York State compared adult patients with low vitamin D levels with those receiving at least 1000 units of vitamin D per week. They noticed that people who received a supplement were less likely to be mechanically ventilated or die after hospital admission. “Although we were unable to show a definitive link to severe COVID-19, it is clear that patients with low vitamin D should receive supplementation not only for bone health, but also for stronger protection against severe COVID-19″said co-author Corinne Levitus, DO, of Montefiore Health System and Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

    Other research demonstrates the usefulness of the vitamin in case of coronavirus infection. A study shared on the site medRxivbut which has not yet been evaluated by independent experts, took into account data concerning Covid-19 patients (hospital admissions, recoveries and deaths) in countries heavily affected by the disease, such as China, France, Germany, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States last April.

    A role in suppressing cytokine storm

    Since the researchers at Northwestern University in the US state of Illinois did not have information regarding the patients’ vitamin D levels, they took into account the pre-established link between vitamin D and levels of protein C- Reactive (CRP) which increase when there is inflammation in the body and a link between the presence of CRP and a severe form of the Covid-19 to estimate how vitamin D could potentially affect the severity of Covid-19.

    The researchers found that the risk of developing severe forms of Covid-19 in patients with severe vitamin D deficiency was 17.3%, while it was only 14.6% in patients with low levels. normal vitamin D.

    Vitamin D prevents the immune system to overreact, the researchers explained. “It plays a role in the regulation and suppression of cytokine inflammatory response at the origin of the acute respiratory distress syndrome which characterizes the severe and often lethal forms of Covid-19“, adds the National Academy of Medicine in a press release. A sufficient level of vitamin D could therefore afford protection from serious complications of Covid-19, especially death.

    Our analysis shows this could be equivalent to cutting the death rate in half.”, explained researcher Vadim Backman. “It won’t prevent a patient from getting the virus, but it could reduce complications and prevent deaths in those infected.

    Southern European countries show surprisingly high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency despite higher sunshineobserves the Academy of Medicine. This would explain why infants who regularly receive vitamin D have asymptomatic forms of Covid-19 and fewer complications.

    “No need to prescribe vitamin D to everyone”

    On the other hand, the research team would like to point out that this does not mean at all that everyone should start taking vitamin D supplements.

    While I think it’s important for the public to know that vitamin D deficiencies could play a role in mortality, we don’t need to prescribe vitamin D to everyone.“, explained Professor Backman. “Further research is needed, and I hope our work will stimulate interest in this area. These data could also illuminate the mechanisms of mortality, which, if proven, could lead to new therapeutic targets..”

    Vadim Backman also wanted to add that excessive doses of vitamin D can lead to harmful side effects, and that further research would be needed to understand how this vitamin could protect against the new coronavirus. On January 29, 2021, Pr Bernard Cortet, rheumatologist and Dr Julien Tison from the Anti-Poison Center of the Lille University Hospital explained on the Facebook account from the establishment the center received “calls because of vitamin D overdose for a few days“.”Vitamin D overdose is toxic. The risks are multiple: nausea, fatigue, bone risks, convulsions, coma“, they specify.

    It is difficult to say which dose is the best against Covid-19″, said Professor Backman. “However, it is clear that vitamin D deficiencies are harmful and can be easily corrected with appropriate supplements. This could hold another key to helping protect vulnerable populations, such as African-Americans and elderly patients, who show a prevalence of vitamin D deficiencies.”

    Systematic supplementation for patients under 60?

    For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) affirms that if “micronutrients such as vitamins D and C or zinc are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system and play a fundamental role in the field of health and nutritional well-being“, “there is currently no guidance on the use of micronutrient supplements as a treatment for COVID-19“.

    The Academy of Medicine specifies that “vitamin D cannot be considered as a preventive or curative treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infection ; but by mitigating the inflammatory storm and its consequences, it could be considered an adjunct to any form of therapy“. She thus recommends “quickly measure the serum vitamin D level in people over the age of 60 with Covid-19, and to administer, in the event of a deficiency, a dose which could help limit respiratory complications“. She also believes that vitamin D supplementation should be systematically provided to people under the age of 60 as soon as the diagnosis of Covid-19 is confirmed, recalling that “the administration of vitamin D by oral route is a simple measure, inexpensive and reimbursed by health insurance“.

    Vitamin D is not a miracle cure for Covid-19also want to remind the doctors of the Lille University Hospital. On the other hand, vitamin D insufficiency may constitute a risk factor for severe forms of Covid-19 in patients with other risk factors (obesity, advanced age, chronic disease). Taking vitamin D does not guarantee that you will not be infected with the coronavirus. If you test positive for Covid-19, doctors and researchers recommend a satisfactory vitamin D status. If you are at risk or if you test positive for Covid-19, do not hesitate to discuss a supplement in vitamin D with your GP. If the attending physician deems it necessary, he will prescribe a vitamin D supplement in the form of an ampoule.” A treatment “reliable, on prescription and reimbursed by Social Security“, while the products available on the internet and consumed without having discussed it with their doctor beforehand”can be very dangerous“, they warn.

    Foods richest in vitamin D

    Slide: Foods Highest in Vitamin D

    Affected by Covid-19, US President Donald Trump received an experimental treatment to treat the infection, including vitamin D supplementation. In the UK, the government has decided to distribute free vitamin D to the elderly and vulnerable for four months.

    Cod liver oil, a new therapeutic avenue?

    Cod liver oil is known for its vitamin D content. Thus, researchers at the Oslo University Hospital have launched a study to find out if this dietary supplement could prevent infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

    They decided to organize this research following an observation. Last March, scientists noticed during a large study carried out with the aim of determining the risk factors for complications of Covid-19, that regular consumers of cod liver oil are often less contaminated, and that they develop more mild forms than those who don’t. “The difference is not astronomical, but significant enough for us to take a closer look.”observes Arne Soraas, doctor and researcher in the microbiology department of Oslo University Hospital, whose remarks are relayed by The world.

    In Norway, this dietary supplement is widely consumed. It is even recommended by the health department, which calls on the population to consume cod liver oil from the age of 1 year. “At least one in five Norwegians eats it every day”assures Arne Soraas.

    70,000 Norwegians are called upon to take part in this new study.

    73 experts ask to supplement the general population

    In view of these elements, some go further by assuring that the general population would benefit from supplementing with vitamin D. This is the case of 73 French experts who, with the support of 6 learned societies, published a column in January 2021 in the Practitioner’s Review. “In the absence of major risk related to supplementation at an appropriate dose and given that about half of the general French population has hypovitaminosis D, everything is pushing today to supplement vitamin D throughout the year for people at risk of hypovitaminosis D (i.e. people aged 80 and over, or sick, or frail, or dependent, or obese, or living in an EHPAD), and the general population during the period winterthey write. The goal is for the majority of the general population to achieve a serum 25(OH)D concentration between 20 and 60 ng/mL.
