“Vital” warning from Zelensky to mercenaries who will join Russia

Breaking news Negotiation statement from Zelenskiy Absolutely clear he listed

Russia’s invasion operation in Ukraine continues on its 23rd day. Since the beginning of the war, not only the military units of the two countries, but also mercenary and “volunteer” fighters from various countries have been at the front. While there were mercenaries joining the ranks of both countries, a warning came from the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelenskiy, to the soldiers joining Russia.

In his video message shared on his Telegram account, Zelenskiy evaluated the 22nd day of the Russia-Ukraine war and said that they were fighting to defend the country against one of the world’s largest armies.


Stating that they have information that the Russian army is trying to collect mercenaries from some countries, Zelenskiy said, “And now I warn everyone, anyone who will try to join the invaders on the territory of Ukraine. This will be the worst decision of your life. Longevity is better than the money you were briefly offered.” spoke his words.

Addressing Russian mothers, Zelenskiy urged everyone to take care of their own children. “Any mother who knows that her son has been sent to war against Ukraine should check where her son is.” he said.


Sharing the information that thousands of Russian soldiers were captured and more than 13 thousand were killed, Zelenskiy invited Russian families to call their own soldiers and said, “We did not want this war. We just want peace.” made his statement.

Reminding that he spoke to the German Parliament yesterday, Zelenskiy reminded that he addressed German deputies as a European, a Ukrainian citizen.

Arguing that for Germany, issues such as the economy and energy have been prioritized over the past decades, but now views are starting to change, Zelenskiy said:

“We see that German views have changed and this is very important. We see that Germany is looking for a new path. We see how sincere the majority of Germans are in revising the old policy.”

Vladimir Zelenskiy stated that he will continue to make similar speeches to the parliaments of various states in order to make Ukraine’s voice heard to the world and to strengthen global peace.

Emphasizing that the leaders of both Europe and the world have begun to better understand the situation in Ukraine, Zelenskiy thanked everyone who supported Ukraine.

Zelenskiy announced that as the government, they have taken important steps to support the economy in the country, and that useful packages that concern the business world will be announced at the council of ministers to be held today. (AA)
