Vital Kamerhe begins a political tour in eastern DRC

Vital Kamerhe begins a political tour in eastern DRC

Vital Kamerhe, the former head of the Tshisekedi administration, begins a political tour on Monday in the east of the country after his acquittal by the courts. First stop: Goma, capital of the province of North Kivu. But on the spot, the mayor banned the popular meeting of Mr. Kamerhe, planned at the Afya stadium, because of the state of siege. A spokesman for his party, the UNC, remains confident and assured Sunday that the meeting will take place.

With our special correspondent in Goma, William Basimike

For his first tour since his acquittal, Vital Kamerhe chose to return to his stronghold. He is from South Kivu, and the secretary general of his party, the UNC, is from North Kivu.

In Goma, he carries a message of peace from the Head of State, while a few kilometers away, the small town of Bunagana and its surroundings are occupied for three months by the M23.

His supporters consider him the man for the job, he who masters the problems of eastern DRC. They are convinced that he can make his contribution in the search for solutions.

This tour could also allow the UNC to recover its health and close ranks, while the past two years have been marked by internal divisions, especially during the incarceration of Vital Kamerhe.

In a statement, Union for the Congolese Nation specifies that Vital Kamerhe will also take advantage of this tour to send a message of thanks to the people of the east of the country, for having accompanied him during the difficult times he went through when he had his legal troubles.

After Goma on Monday, the former chief of staff of Félix Tshisekedi must go to Bukavu on September 15, then to Kindu and Kisangani.
