Visiting displaced people in Goma, Prime Minister rules out negotiating with Rwanda

Visiting displaced people in Goma Prime Minister rules out negotiating

On a mission to eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Congolese Prime Minister Judith Suminwa visited displaced people in Goma on Thursday due to the conflict with M23 rebels, where a shelling killed 35 people last May according to authorities. There, she was categorical, insisting that the DRC will not negotiate with its Rwandan neighbor.

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Under high security, Judith Suminwathe Prime Minister from Congoaccompanied by some members of her government and the military governor, was welcomed by around a hundred people at the Cepac camp (the Community of Pentecostal Churches in Southern Africa) west of Goma.

Faced with displaced people desperate by their situation, Judith Suminwa deplored the living conditions in the camp, and promised to find a definitive solution to their situation, recalls our correspondent in Goma, Heir Baraka. What you are experiencing cannot accept living it and being happy. As requested by the Head of State, we will take our responsibilities as a government ” she assured.

Among the crowd following the head of government’s speech, Mwamini Karungu, originally from Masisi, said he was suffering at the camp. She calls the authorities for help to allow her to return to her village. “ I am happy with the Prime Minister’s visit. She spoke important words to us, assuring us that she will follow up so we can return home. »

The head of the camp, Janvier Luanda, says nothing else: according to him, the government must take its responsibilities and support the displaced people. Medical care must also be free here because we suffer when we go to hospitals, there are so many sick people who are stuck due to lack of resources. “, he laments.

Strong actions and targeted sanctions » against Kigali

On May 3, a shell fell into this campkilling at least 35 people according to Congolese authorities and 15 according to camp officials. The Rwandan-backed M23 was singled out by Kinshasa. Judith Suminwa also reiterated the DRC’s position on recurring tensions with its Rwandan neighbor. I think the head of state has been clear: we are not going to negotiate with those who attack us “, the new Congolese Prime Minister told the press. Diplomatic channels ” must “ force the attacker to stop “, she added, as fighting continued in the region.

At the same time, in Kinshasa, Thérèse Kayikwamba Wagner, appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government inaugurated on June 12, met the diplomatic corps for the first time. She also denounced “ Rwandan aggression against the DRC » and called to strong actions and targeted sanctions » against Kigali. The DRC « expects more than verbal condemnations » from members of the UN Security Council, she insisted.

Mediation of Angola

At the same time, the Angolan president, Joao Lourençoon a four-day official visit to Ivory Coast, said Thursday that negotiations were underway to organize ” very soon » a meeting between Paul Kagame and Félix Tshisekedi, his two Rwandan and Congolese counterparts, in order to achieve peace in eastern DRC.

Facing the press on Thursday, the Angolan president, mediator of the crisis in eastern DRC, reiterated his commitment to resolving this conflict through negotiation. Such a meeting between the two leaders has in fact been under study since the beginning of the year, but has not yet materialized.

We are currently negotiating at ministerial level with the prospect of very soon being able to bring together the two heads of state of the DR and the president of Rwanda for a direct exchange on this situation, with the aim of achieving peace in these two countries.

João Lourenço, Angolan president

Bineta Diagne

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