Visibilia Editore, shareholders’ appeal for alleged “serious irregularities” in management

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(Finance) – Some shareholders of Visibilia Editorea company operating in the publishing sector and listed on Euronext Growth Milan, have filed with the Court of Milan a appeal pursuant to art. 2409 of the civil code with “the suspicion that the directors, in violation of their duties, have committed serious irregularities in management, causing damage to the company, to the correct functioning of the stock marketas well as to the shareholders “. The proceeding was proposed by the shareholders Giuseppe Zeno, Antonietta Ferrara, Ciro Russo, Alessandro Palumbo, Gioacchino Borgia, Paolo Borgia, Stefania Di Paolo, Umberto Pinto and Marco Taranto, overall holders of a stake exceeding the twentieth of the share capital.

“The administrators they will activate within the terms set out in the decree setting the hearing to prove the appeal unfoundedas pertaining to profiles represented in a way that does not correspond to the truth “, reads a note from Visibilia Editore, a group whose first shareholder is the senator of Fratelli d’Italia Daniela Santanchè.

Two days ago the communication arrived that i BDO’s auditors had not expressed an opinion on the financial statements year of the company. The financial statements as at 31 December 2021 showed shareholders’ equity of € 117 thousand, including a loss for the year of € 3,534 thousand, configuring the case envisaged by article 2446 of the civil code.

The Industrial Plan 2022-2024 approved by the Board of Directors, “is out of date with the final data of the company as at 31 December 2021, nor does it take into account the transfer operation in favor of the subsidiary Visibilia Editrice Srl, of the operating company branch and relating to all the assets and resources dedicated to all the publishing activities of the company, “wrote BDO.
