Visa shock for Israel’s former minister! He could not enter that country due to concerns about ‘social harmony’

Visa shock for Israels former minister He could not enter

Speaking to Sky News, Burke made a statement regarding the rejection of former Israeli Minister Shaked’s visa application due to “social cohesion” concerns. Shaked commented on Australia’s decision as ‘shameful’.


Emphasizing that Shaked, who applied for a visa to attend the conference in the capital Canberra, is no longer a minister and that he did not request the visa on behalf of the Israeli government, Burke noted that Australia rejects visa applications from people it thinks would harm “social harmony”.

Pointing to Shaked’s past comments towards Palestinians, Burke said, “If someone had said before that they wanted all Jews to leave Israel, I would not have given them a visa. Ms. Shaked had said that all Palestinians should leave Gaza.” he said.



The Australian Ministry of Internal Affairs rejected the visa application of former Israeli Minister Shaked to attend the conference in the capital Canberra, on the grounds that it could “vilify” a part of the society and “incite disagreement” in the society.

Shaked stated that this decision taken by Australia was “shameful”.

Ayelet Shaked served as the Minister of Justice in Israel in 2015-2019 and the Minister of Internal Affairs in 2021-2022.

Source: AAThis content was published by Doğukan Akbayır
