Virus cases are increasing despite lockdowns in China

Virus cases are increasing despite lockdowns in China

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen A woman undergoes a covid test in Beijing on Sunday. Photo: Ng Han Guan/AP/TT

China reports the highest number of people infected with the coronavirus in six months, despite the extensive lockdowns that have affected everyday life for many residents.

Residents’ support for the strict covid measures has weakened recently. Complaints about poor conditions come from several quarters, including food shortages and deficiencies in emergency medical care.

Several incidents where people have lost their lives when emergency services were allegedly delayed due to closures have been reported and widely circulated.

This weekend, despite the criticism, the country’s health authority promised to continue to stick to the zero-covid policy.

On Monday, more than 5,600 new covid cases were registered in China, almost half of them in Guangdong province in the south of the country.
