Virtual Learning Still Good Fit For Some Lkdsb Students

Virtual Learning has proven to be a good fit for a small percentage of studs and lumton kent district school board continues to accomodate that option.


About 60 Board Elementary Pupils and 160 Secondary Students Are Learning Virtually, Which Will Be Offered Again for the 2025-26 School Year.

“We anticipate that the number will be very similar next year, so there is a very small niche of studs for whom. . . This Really Works, ”Said Mary Mancini, Superintend of Secondary Program.

The COVVI-19 Pandemic, Which Halted in-Class Learning, needitated a pivot to online learning, but Mancini Said since the pandemic, some families and stadents prefered to continue virtual learning.

She Said the Reasons Vary, from Student Having Medical Issues to Students who Simply Excel at Learning Online.

For Students With Medical Conditions, Such A Severe Broken Limb that May Require Multiple Surgeries and Extensive Time Away from School, Virtual Learning is a perfect solution, Mancini Said. “They still able to keep their academics in the comfort of their home.”


LKDSB Offers Two Types of Virtual Learning.

Students in Grades 4 to 10 Receive A Synchronous Model of Learning, Mancini Said. “They are online with their teacher-direct (classes) During the School Day.”

Fourth- to Eighth-Graders Abide by the Same Bell Times AS Chatham’s Mcnauughton Avenue Elementary School in Chatham, She Said. High Schoolers Follow the Daily Schedule of Dresden’s Lambton Kent Composite School.

Students in grade 11 and 12 are offered an asynchronous model of classes, mancini added. “They are Scheduled in Online Courses and. . . Access them According to their Own Schedule. ”

While the Covid Pandemic Brught Virtual Learning to the Forefront, Lkdsb has allowed High Schoolers to Learn Virtually at their Own Pace with an asynchronous Model for Several Years, Mancini Said. Students who Took Two or Three In-Person Classes Could Take One Race Online.

No action will be required if studs want to remain in eith virtual or in-personing learning, a board release said.

But parents and Guardians who wish to transition their child to in-person or virtual learning for the 2025-26 School Year Must Notify Their Current School by Feb. 28, The Board Said.

To participate in Virtual Learning, parents or Guardians Must Provide Proof of Ontario Residency at the Start of Each School Year. Virtual Schools Will Contact Registered Families During The Week of Aug 25 to Arrange for this proof, which must be confirmed by Sept. 12.

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