Virginie Efira, 45, swears by this funny trick passed down by her mother to keep a young face

Virginie Efira 45 swears by this funny trick passed down

To have skin that is always on top at 45, Virginie Efira has a trick that is passed down from mother to daughter. Here are his secrets on the subject.

Named best actress at the last César awards, on the cover of Paris Match… Virginie Efira is everywhere! The opportunity to know her unstoppable beauty tips, especially for maintain a luminous complexion.

Virginie Efira’s good-looking tip

If there are many tricks to display a radiant complexion, Virginie Efira has chosen hers, which is none other than the facial massage. A beauty habit passed down from her mother, which the star reproduces herself on her 9-year-old daughter. More specifically, she practices radio frequency,a kind of massage that stimulates the epidermis” she explains to Vogue magazine as well as “Kobido Japanese skincare” to regain radiance and tone. She completes this routine with mesotherapy. A medical technique that consists of injecting low doses of drugs or active ingredients into the deep layer of the skin.

The slimming secrets of Virginie Efira

On the silhouette side, the pretty blonde also has a method of her own. “I even started electrostimulation with Miha Bodytec” thus entrusted the Belgian actress to our colleagues from Vogue. Imported from Germany, this “convenient for lazy” makes it possible to stimulate all muscle groups without making any effort. A 20-minute Miha bodytec session corresponds to a four-hour workout in the gym. Ideal for stars who don’t have much time. “Combined with more conventional sport, the results are stunning” she explains. Her other tips for keeping in shape? A cure of “Bion 3 Senior” food supplements as well as body massages.

Virginia Efira, her ambiguous relationship with the regime

Virginie Efira is not a fan of diets, except when she has no choiceto embody a role for example: “I have compulsive cravings for food and lethargic for sports! On the other hand, if a shoot requires a nervous and fine body, I enter into an implacable rigor. It’s day and night”. Both complementary and ambiguous statements following the interview she had given to Paris Match several months earlier: “J‘ve done sports and a diet to make my body acceptable according to certain dictates, which I’m not necessarily proud of”. A state of mind which the actress says she wants to revel in over time, to tend towards more self-acceptance.
