Violent superhero series on Amazon is set to have 8 (!) seasons

Violent superhero series on Amazon is set to have 8

On Amazon, superheroes are one thing above all: bloodthirsty. This is proven not only by the Supes from The Boys, but also by the protagonists Invincible. The animated series about the adventures of a supernaturally gifted teenager uses an unparalleled level of violence. Invincible will reach its grand conclusion with season 8, if creator Robert Kirkman has his way.

The Boys’ competitor Invincible is set to get 5 more seasons

Kirkman created the Invincible comic, which he is adapting himself with the Amazon series. He explained to Polygon:

Seven to eight seasons seem to be enough for me. We might tighten up some topics a bit, we could expand on others. If we’re lucky enough to be able to produce for a long time, that would be enough for the comic. I’d also like to share a few things that didn’t make it into the comic.

Check out the trailer for Invincible Season 3 here:

Invincible – S03 Trailer (German) HD

It is his declared goal to be completely involved in the Invincible series new stories without template according to Kirkman. But he also admits that the total number of seasons is a “moving target“act to which he could not assign an immutable number. In other words: whether the showrunner gets his way depends on the success of the series. And of course on the extent to which Kirkman’s vision changes.

When is Invincible Season 3 coming to Amazon Prime Video?

According to all predictions, the end of the Amazon series is still a long way off. Season 3 of Incivible will air from February 6, 2024 released on Prime Video. Three episodes will appear on the start date, and another will be added weekly thereafter. Season 4 is already confirmed.

Invincible revolves around the young superhero Mark (voice: Steven Yeun), who grows up as the son of the all-powerful Omni-Man (JK Simmons). As his own abilities grow, he learns a shocking truth that completely changes his worldview.

Podcast: The best series of 2024 in review

From series blockbusters to absolute insider tips: In the Moviepilot podcast, we introduce you to the 24 best series that were to be discovered in 2024.

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