Violent protests across the country after comments made about Muhammad

Violent protests across the country after comments made about Muhammad

Demonstrations in many cities across India took place on Friday June 10 and violent clashes with law enforcement led to hundreds of arrests and two people being killed. The dismissal of two members of the BJP following anti-Muslim remarks is not enough to calm the anger of part of the Muslim population and the clashes continued this Saturday in Bengal.

With our correspondent in Bangalore, Como Bastin

The traditional Friday prayer degenerated into a political rally and then in places into a clash with the police. In Ranchi, Jharkhand, the violence was such that two Muslims were killed. Circulating videos show a police officer opening fire on the crowd in response to stones being thrown. All gatherings are now banned in several parts of the city this Saturday.

In Howrah, Bengal, police used tear gas to disperse protesters who were blocking roads and rails. This Saturday, clashes continue in places and the Internet is suspended. Hundreds of people were arrested, particularly in the state of Uttar Pradesh where protesters gathered in several cities.

A more than tense situation despite calls for calm

Some Muslims do not digest the words of the former spokesman of the BJP Nupur Sharma about the Prophet Muhammad’s wife and demand his outright arrest, in addition to his exclusion from the party.

Despite calls for calm from religious parties and associations, the situation remains extremely tense. The opposition and the BJP blame each other for this wave of anger.

Read: Indonesia and Malaysia condemn BJP spokesperson’s anti-Muslim remarks
