Violent Bible bomb in Helsingborg – parts flew 50 meters

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A car has been blown up in a residential area in Laröd in Helsingborg during the night towards Sunday. The alarm came at around 02.30 from several callers who heard the loud bang.

– It was a powerful detonation. It was heard down to the police station in Helsingborg (just over five kilometers away reds.anm), says Tommy Bengtsson, officer on duty at the police in the South region.

Outside residence

The blown-up car was parked next to a residence, and the explosion also damaged the property and several other cars.

– Several people were in the nearby house at the time, but no one is said to have been injured, says Tommy Bengtsson.

The incident is classified as gross devastation that is dangerous to the general public.

Totally demolished car

A source on the scene tells SVT that a passenger car was completely demolished in the violent explosion. During the detonation, car parts were hurled 50 meters away and several cars and nearby villas were materially damaged.

A large area is cordoned off and police bomb technicians are examining the area to rule out the possibility of additional explosive devices.
