Vincent Bolloré, his media at the service of the rights

Vincent Bollore his media at the service of the rights

A look back at Vincent Bolloré, and the role he plays, beyond business life, in the French political world, in the midst of immigration law.

It’s a detail, but Éric Ciotti, the president of LR, came this summer to support Vincent Bolloré during the journalists’ strike at Sunday newspaper against the appointment of a director, Geoffroy Lejeune, affiliated with the extreme right. LR then found itself in fact on the same line as the National Rally. It was a time when people were wondering if the government, if businesses could intervene in this JDD.

And then, at the start of the school year, Emmanuel Macron authorized his ministers to be interviewed there, just as LVMH and Publicis let the advertisers return. However, this RN-LR alliance is also what emerges from the law on immigration, largely written by LR in the Senate and claimed as a “ ideological victory » by Marine Le Pen.

Read alsoFrance: deputies and senators reach an agreement on the immigration bill

Media empire

An investigation of World sees this week in Vincent Bolloré the “ godfather of an alliance between the right and the extreme right “. The man continues to build his empire in the media and publishing, he has also just announced that this empire, for financial reasons, could split – under his control – into three entities around Canal+, Havas and Lagardère-Hachette.

But what we also measure is how much Bolloré is also in the process of composing a bloc of rights including LR, the RN and Reconquête. According to The world, he will “no doubt” support Marion Maréchal, head of the Reconquête list, for the Europeans, as he supported Eric Zemmour on CNews or Cyril Hanouna on C8. But for the 2027 presidential election, he dreams of a French-style Georgia Meloni, with the RN to take care of immigration and LR for the economy.

Also listenCNews, Zemmour’s channel

From liberal to traditionalist

Its media and its power in publishing are assets. The Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak or Pap Ndiaye, then Minister of Education, were able to measure this when they showed solidarity with journalists from JDD facing their “extreme right” director. They then saw the full firepower of the group’s media against them. For what ? Quite simply, because for these media, Éric Zemmour like Marine Le Pen are not far-right. This is what a Canal+ manager told us this summer.

However, Vincent Bolloré, coming from liberalism, is today very close to traditionalist Catholics, he sees in the tragedy of Crépol, which cost the life of a young rugby player, the sign of a battle of civilization between France and ‘Islam. And Emmanuel Macron, in all this? Well, according to The worldhe received the Breton boss at the Élysée in mid-September, he arranged the affairs of Paris Match who pays it forward with a portrait of Brigitte Macron.
