Vin Diesel is in Avatar 2 – and that makes a lot more sense than you think

Vin Diesel is in Avatar 2 and that makes

The theatrical release of Avatar 2 is getting closer and with it more and more question marks about what is probably the most anticipated blockbuster of the year are disappearing.

Only one question remains: What role does Vin Diesel play in Avatar 2?

Vin Diesel has already teased his role in Avatar 2 twice

Vin Diesel’s character in Avatar 2: The Way of Water is the mega production’s best kept secret. There is a 99.99 percent certainty that he will be in one of the sequels. In 2019, Diesel visited his “buddy” James Cameron on the Avatar 2 through 5 set and posted a video of it on Instagram:

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Diesel had wanted to work with Cameron for a long time, wanted to learn from him and now it was finally happening. the Combo Vin Diesel + Avatar 2 was in the world ever since and the world never let her go. Even without official confirmation.

Then in 2021, when asked if he had already shot scenes for an upcoming Avatar movie, Vin Diesel said: “I have time with him [James Cameron] spent, but still no scenes shot.” Of course, the word “still” makes you prick up your ears.

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Embarrassed, Diesel danced around for a definitive confirmation. That he filmed scenes for the blockbuster is out of the question. Only the star may and can don’t talk about it. We’re all too familiar with this behavior from Marvel stars (Best regards, Andrew Garfield).

Why Vin Diesel’s avatar appearance isn’t far off at all

But what place should Vin Diesel have in this world. We have a few ideas.

1. Vin Diesel became a CGI icon through Guardians of the Galaxy

The Avatar world and most of the characters living in it are created on the computer and Diesel is familiar with such synthetic worlds. In the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, he speaks that Tree Creature Groot, whereby he only had to speak one sentence in different intonations: I am Groot. Avatar 2 through 5 could add another (possibly bizarre) character to Diesel’s CGI collection.

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2. Avatar and the Fast and Furious series share a core theme

There are three things that tie the Fast and Furious franchise together: cars, Vin Diesel, and that Family mantra. The gang of tuners, ex-cops, hackers and petty criminals led by Dom Toretto sometimes flies into orbit. But the reminder of the value of family always grounds her.

Coincidentally, Avatar director James Cameron has also announced a new leitmotif for the sequels: family. The sequels will be all about the Na’vi tribe founded by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and Jake (Sam Worthington) on Pandora. A mini-role for Vin Diesel delivering a pathetic speech about the value of family. Bring it on!

3. Bigger Role? Vin Diesel needs a new foothold, Avatar can give it to him

Avatar runs until at least 2028, the Fast series is chugging towards its end. While Vin Diesel is always trying to build new lines outside of the tuner franchise, even Triple X and Riddick are proving to be nowhere near stable. With Avatar, the action star would bet on a relatively young sci-fi franchise that is bursting with potential. Is Avatar his future?

This also leads us to the question of what all this is about. Why is there such a big secret being made about Vin Diesel’s involvement? In the end, is his role more important to the series than we all assume? And therefore every bit of information, no matter how small, is a potential spoiler? It’s quite possible that Diesel only joins the series as a teaser cameo at the very end of the second film, and then in the coming films Avatar 3, 4 and 5 to become a mainstay. Because Vin Diesel and Avatar – that even fits pretty well at second glance.

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