Ville Husso shines as Detroit’s number one keeper – the challenger’s game is completely sloppy

Ville Husso shines as Detroits number one keeper the

Ville Husso, 27, got a taste of life as a security guard already in St. Louis. The Helsinki native started 38 NHL games last season and strongly challenged the Stanley Cup in 2019 Jordan Binnington.

For this season, Detroit signed a three-year contract worth more than 14 million Yankee taala for the Finnish guard. In Finnish, the contract means that Husson has to carry the load of the first goalkeeper and, above all, a big responsibility.

Played 159 NHL games Karri Rämö praises that Husson has adapted to the situation well. Especially considering that the Blues traded for the Red Wings.

– Against this background, Ville’s start in Detroit is absolutely brilliant. You don’t always get time in new circles like in a familiar team, Rämö states.

– In America, the first impression is always a very important thing for the fans. Thanks to a good start, it is easy for Ville to build on that.

Husso has really taken his career off to a flying start in the car city. The defenseman, who received his puck education at HIFK, has won 11 of the 19 matches he has started. Good goaltending is one of the big reasons why, to the surprise of many, Detroit is on the playoff line.

The statistics underline Husson’s success. For example, Husso’s save percentage (91.0) on five-on-five dangerous goal posts is the second highest in the league.

– There have been some bad games, but I have been able to play night after night at the level I want. Of course I want to be even better. The most important thing is that we all always want to learn more about how to play winning hockey, says Husso, reached by Urheilu from Detroit.

Will the tendon hold?

Detroit entered the season with Husso as the clear number one guard, as the second guard Alex Nedeljkovic failed last season with the Red Wings. The contract of Nedeljkovic, who is a few years younger than Husso, also expires after the current season.

– When it became clear that I would not continue in St. Louis and Detroit came into the picture, I was immediately fully involved. I knew I would be joining a traditional (11 Stanley Cups), young and forward-thinking club. I was already preparing for a new role in the summer, and I didn’t take any pressure from it.

As the autumn progresses, Husson’s position has only strengthened, as the save percentage of the Yankee keeper operating next to him drops below 90 and the average number of goals allowed hovers above four. Husson’s goals conceded average is 2.56.

– Nedeljkovic’s package has completely fallen apart, Rämö says.

– The situation is certainly difficult for him. He was number one last season, and now Husso is in front, and his game is not going well.

In terms of the team’s playoff dreams, it would be good for Nedeljkovic to get his game in order soon. Rämö believes that Husson’s stamina will last the whole long season, and the club will not put too much weight on his shoulders.

A long-distance traveler

Despite his young age, Husso has come a long way to the present. Husso was already known as the most talented goalkeeper in the country at a young age, but maturing as an athlete took time for the player. The path to the NHL team’s first goalie has been through, among other things, farmin farm, or höntsysarija ECHL.

Husso says that this will keep Veskar’s feet on the ground in the future.

– There is enough motivation and I find a spark for everyday work. It certainly goes back to the farm of the farm, for example. I’ve learned a lot along the way, and the little things don’t matter anymore. There will be a lot of games, but I can easily forget the losses. On the other hand, the desire to develop or win does not stop at winning, Husso says.

– That trip is certainly Ville’s strength. He has grown up as an athlete. We also have to remember that few people have sportsmanship from the beginning, especially top talent, Rämö states and says that he also trusts Husson’s close circle.

Finland’s number one

At the same time, Husso has quietly become Finland’s leading guard in the NHL. On the other hand, the competition is not particularly tough right now. In addition to Husson, only Nashville is the only Finn Juuse Saros is the clear number one goalkeeper of his club. Saros has not yet reached the level of brilliance of last season.

Husso is satisfied with the current situation, but thirsts for more.

– I’ve been in the league for a couple of years now, and I’ve gotten older again. I know how things work here. Things can change quickly, but at the same time, a three-year contract also brings a bit of peace. The most important thing is that I know I can play here and I can still improve a lot.

Early Wednesday Finnish time, Detroit hosts Carolina, where they play Sebastian Aho, Teuvo Teräväinen and Jesperi Kotkaniemi.

NHL standings from this link.

Finnish goalkeepers in the NHL this season

(at least five matches played)

Kevin Lankinen – Nashville – 7 games – save percentage 93.4 – goals against average 2.27

Ville Husso – Detroit – 19 – 91.6 – 2.56

Juuse Saros, Nashville – 20 – 90.8 – 2.93

Joonas Korpisalo – Columbus – 12 – 90.3 – 3.53

Antti Raanta – Carolina – 9 – 89.4 – 2.62

Kaapo Kähkönen – San Jose – 12 – 87.7 – 3.71

Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen – Buffalo – 7 – 86.6 – 3.86
