villages polluted by the exploitation of a quarry by a Chinese company

villages polluted by the exploitation of a quarry by a

Several villages in northern Liberia are threatened by pollution, residents of the region have warned. They denounce the uncontrolled exploitation of quarries by a Chinese company: the company China Railway Seventh Group, financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), was chosen by the Liberian authorities to build a major highway.

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For four years, Sam Karwoods, resident of Henry Bahn village in Nimba County, has seen stone sediments from the Chinese quarry falling on his land and rivers: “ When they blow up the quarry, they use chemicals and it pollutes the air… and the villagers are forced to run to escape into the forest… afterwards, there is dust on the food and we can’t consume our products like cassava, everything is polluted. Our water resources have dried up and all waterways are damaged. Today we live without water or have to consume it by buying plastic bottles, those who do not have money drink polluted water. »

Several residents complain of diarrhea and headaches. Sam Karwoods says he lost 11 family members. In May 2024, a report from the Environmental Protection Agency blamed the Chinese company for dumping mortar sediment into groundwater. Conclusions that have since remained unanswered, motivating residents like Sam Karwoods to now want to file a complaint.

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