Viktoria Klimtchuk’s family, who lost their home in the Russian bombing, moved to a house donated by Finland – watch a video of the apartment

Viktoria Klimtchuks family who lost their home in the Russian

With Finnish support, temporary apartments have been built in Irpin, Ukraine for 200 people who lost their homes.

IRPIN Despite the recent large-scale bombings, more and more families are moving back to the area of ​​the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Many of them have been fleeing war abroad, and many have lost their homes in bombings.

The Finnish government has supported the reconstruction of Ukraine by building temporary apartments for 200 people who lost their homes in Irpin, located near the capital.

In mid-May, residents have started to move into the apartments handed over.

Among them are Victoria Klimtchuk and his daughter Marina. A family of four lost their home a year ago in the Irpin bombings.

Viktoria and Marina first moved to Spain to escape the war, and later returned to Ukraine for family reasons. They first lived with their relatives, but have now got their own apartment.

They profusely thank Finland for the help they received.

– Thanks to Finland for the help given to Irpin. 36 families received help, that is a very important thing, Viktoria Klimtšuk thanks.

– We needed this apartment because we would not like to live on the street. This is a really nice place, there are two rooms, a toilet, and a kitchen. Everything is great. Nature is beautiful, Marina Klimtšuk marvels.

Also Svetlana Lynina a family of four has received an apartment in temporary houses built by Finns.

– Our house burned down. Everything burned, we were left with nothing, Lynina says.

– The conditions here are really nice, but not everyone can fit here. My husband is disabled and we have two children. We have a big family, he says.

In Irpin, reconstruction is well underway. In addition to residential buildings, a new school is also being built in the area.
