Viktor Orbán will meet Putin – then the EU will collapse

Viktor Orban will meet Putin then the EU will



fullscreenViktor Orbán met with Volodymyr Zelenskyj the other week. Photo: Zoltan Fischer / AP

Viktor Orbán is traveling to Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin, according to Radio Free Europe.

Something that makes the EU leader Charles Michel roar.

– They have no mandate to cooperate with Russia on behalf of the EU, he says.

  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán plans to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, angering the EU.
  • EU President Charles Michel believes that Orbán does not have a mandate to cooperate with Russia on behalf of the EU.
  • Orbán has previously expressed criticism of Western support for Ukraine and proposed a ceasefire in the conflict with Russia.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    On Friday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is expected to arrive in Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin, a Hungarian government source told Radio Free Europe.

    The announcement comes just days after Hungary took over the presidency of the EU Council of Ministers. The last time he visited Moscow was in September 2022 when he attended the funeral of ex-president Mikhail Gorbachev.

    The President of the European Council Charles Michel has been reached by the data and protests in a post on X:

    “The EU’s rotating presidency has no mandate to cooperate with Russia on behalf of the EU. The position of the European Council is clear: Russia is attacked, Ukraine is the victim. No discussions about Ukraine can be held without Ukraine,” he writes.


    full screen Charles Michel. Photo: Geert Vanden Wijngaert / AP

    Orbán has been a vocal critic of Western support for Ukraine and has shown his reluctance to approve arms and aid packages.

    Earlier this week, Orbán visited Ukraine where he met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and asked him if it was possible to bring about a ceasefire.

    – A truce can ensure that the pace of negotiations increases, Orbán said according to Radio Free Europe.

    According to Zelensky’s spokesperson Ihor Zhovka, the president should have listened, but responded by expressing Ukraine’s “clear, understandable and well-known position”, writes TT.

    Ukraine has stated that it will only accept solutions based on the country’s territorial integrity being preserved intact – that is, control over all the territory occupied by Russia.


    full screen Vladimir Putin. Photo: Sergei Guneyev/AP
