Viktor Bergström’s plan after the flirtation with Julia in The Farm

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It didn’t take long before this year’s Farmen participants Viktor Bergström and Julia Joelsson Boänges clicked with each other. The very first night they chose to sleep together in the barn, and Viktor then admitted what had happened between him and Julia during the night.

– Me and Julia, we kissed each other, Viktor told.

“The plan right now has gone very well”

But Viktor has a different plan than flirting with just one of the girls.

– The plan from the beginning was to flirt with a few girls and keep them close, and the plan right now has gone very well. I have Julia tightly around me, and now I’m starting to flirt with Karin, says Viktor.

In the player above, you can hear Viktor talking about his plan.
