video of his speech and live meeting in Marseille

video of his speech and live meeting in Marseille

MACRON. Emmanuel Macron is in Marseille this Saturday April 16, 2022, for his big meeting between the two rounds. The results of the polls remaining tight, the event will be one of the last highlights for the candidate president. Video speech, highlights of the meeting and all the news of the candidate live…

15:48 – “The far right, a danger for our country”

Emmanuel Macron is now attacking the far right, indirectly targeting his rival, Marine Le Pen. “We are a country of openness”, he puts forward, assuming: “We are made of millennia of migrations, movements, integration. This French pride is that: it is not the great stunting , the great separation.” And the candidate to note: “I see the extremes, I see the abstentions. And we cannot claim victory”, before warning: “So, I am here, and I will continue to be, believe me!”

15:42 – “I don’t want to do 5 more years.. I want it to be 5 years of complete renewal!”

On the esplanade, Emmanuel Macron suddenly announces: “I have no desire to do five more years.” Silence and a moment of hesitation in the crowd. And the candidate to continue: “I want it to be five years of complete renewal!” For the LREM candidate, it takes “a reinvention, a new ambition”. “We must rebuild, build the ambition that would make it possible to respond to all this anger, these fears”, launches Emmanuel Macron again.

15:37 – Emmanuel Macron defends his project

In the Pharo garden, under a beautiful spring sun, Emmanuel Macron begins his meeting by defending his project. A project for “a more beautiful, stronger France, in a united Europe”. “Our project is also a project for health, for our neighborhoods”, highlights the candidate of LREM.

15:32 – Emmanuel Macron speaks

“Thank you for being here in Marseille! From Nice to Toulon, from the four corners of this region, you have come today. From the mountains to the sea, from the metropolis to the neighborhoods, you are here!” began the president-candidate, before defending a “project of force, a project for equal opportunities”.

15:27 – Emmanuel Macron arrives on stage

The candidate arrived in the middle of the crowd, shaking hands, kissing some. Emmanuel Macron must give a shorter speech than expected, the spectators being standing in full sun.

15:14 – Sparse ranks at Emmanuel Macron’s meeting in Marseille

If hundreds of people walk the lawn of the Pharo garden in Marseille, on the spot, journalists from BFM TV have found that Emmanuel Macron’s meeting is not completely full. While the president-candidate must officially speak in the coming minutes, people continue to arrive slowly.

2:50 p.m. – “Sounding and stumbling” announcements during Emmanuel Macron’s meeting?

Under a blazing sun, the rumor runs that Emmanuel Macron should give an “express” speech, weather obliges. In addition, according to an author of the text, which Liberation echoes, Emmanuel Macron should mainly speak “ecology”. The author promises “sounding and stumbling announcements”.

14:26 – Where to follow Emmanuel Macron’s meeting?

On Twitter, the official account of candidate Emmanuel Macron offers Internet users to follow his meeting live, which should start around 3 p.m. in Marseille. For those interested, it’s here:

13:51 – The week of candidate Emmanuel Macron to be found on YouTube

For aficionados of the outgoing president who would be waiting for the start of Emmanuel Macron’s meeting, it is possible to wait while watching, without further ado, the mini-series produced by his communication teams which looks back on the first week of the interview. two rounds of the LREM candidate on YouTube.

13:27 – On the move in Eure-et-Loir, Marine Le Pen knocks out Emmanuel Macron

“If Emmanuel Macron was sure to win, he would not have to go and find athletes, actors”, estimated the candidate of the National Rally, Saturday April 16, during his trip to Saint-Rémy-sur-Avre, thus referring to the various forums published this week, in which artists or sportsmen took a position in favor of the outgoing president. And Marine Le Pen also remarks: “If the system implements such demonization, it is because it is afraid.”

13:07 – What time is Emmanuel Macron’s meeting held?

The president-candidate is traveling to Marseille this Saturday, April 16, where he will hold a meeting from 3:30 p.m., at the Pharo. France Bleu Provence understands that 3 to 4,000 people are expected on site. Note that it is no coincidence that Emmanuel Macron chose Marseille. In addition to the fact that it supports Olympique de Marseille, the Marseille city constitutes a considerable windfall of votes. And for good reason, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who did not manage to climb to the second round, came out on top.

12:48 – Benoît Hamon invites the French who are reluctant to vote for Emmanuel Macron

In a video posted on Friday April 15 on Twitter, Benoît Hamon supported Emmanuel Macron, but not only. “I know that many of you are hesitant”, initially noted the former socialist candidate for the 2017 presidential election, before remarking: “If you think today that the result of this vote will be indifferent to your life , tell yourself that this vote will not be indifferent for millions of people in France: foreigners […] The result of this election could turn their lives into a nightmare.” In these circumstances, the person who asserts that he will have “no hesitation” suggests: “If you don’t want to use the Macron ballot for you, use it for them.”

The Macron – Le Pen duel for the second round of the 2022 presidential election has already been the subject of numerous polls since the start of the campaign and a fortiori after the first round which designated the duo as finalists. Each time, Emmanuel Macron will have been given the winner of the election, but with a gap that has narrowed considerably. As a reminder, during the last presidential election, Marine Le Pen was largely beaten in the second round with 33.90% of the vote against 66.10% for Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen officially qualified for the second round of the presidential election on Sunday April 10. The outgoing president came first with 27.85% of the vote, ahead of the RN candidate with 23.15%. Emmanuel Macron has thus improved his 2017 score (24.01%), even if abstention reduces this progress. He still won more than a million additional votes (9.7 million against 8.6 million 5 years ago).

Emmanuel Macron, in this campaign between the two rounds, indicated that he wanted to “complete” and “enrich” his program, in particular on ecology. He said he was ready not to push back the retirement age to 65. The Head of State also indicated that he was “not opposed” to the establishment of a “full” proportional system for the legislative elections.
