Video: Biden accidentally called Zelensky Putin | News in brief

– Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin, Biden said when introducing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

President of the United States Joe Biden called the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi accidentally “president For Putin” at the leaders’ joint press conference in Washington.

However, Biden quickly corrected his mistake.

The slip happened when Biden introduced Zelensky at the event.

– Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin, Biden said.

He later corrected his slip.

– President Putin? President Zelenskyi. I’m so focused on defeating Putin, Biden explained his blunder.

Biden’s blunder caused gasps in the room, which was packed with advisers to both leaders. In the same way, Biden’s slip was reacted to in the press center, where hundreds of journalists followed the presidential duo live via internal television.

Biden is scheduled to answer reporters’ questions in Washington early Friday Finnish time. Some have speculated that the press conference might even decide the continuation of the sitting president in the presidential race.

The election debate described as catastrophic Donald Trump’s with in June and last Friday’s interview on the ABC channel have not convinced the Democratic ranks of Biden’s ability to serve as president for another four-year term.
