Video: 500 days of war – President Zelenskyi visited the legendary Snake Island

Video 500 days of war President Zelenskyi visited the

Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit combines two symbols of the Ukrainian resistance, the president as war leader and the fighting will of the defenders of Käärmesaari.

Remote island, harsh nature, superior enemy, brave soldiers. The stages of the defenders of Käärmesaari are the most famous stories of the beginning of the war of aggression against Russia.

The defenders of Käärmesaari ended up wearing t-shirts, caps, memes and stamps as a sign of the Ukrainians’ steadfast will to defend themselves. The sign depicts the sinking of the Russian navy’s flagship Moskva into the waves of the Black Sea, sunk by Ukrainians.

The Russians occupied Käärmesaari in the early days of the invasion, but they later had to withdraw from the rocky islet under Ukrainian bombardment.

It is difficult to get verified information about the stages of Käärmesaari, which is located less than 50 kilometers from the coast of Ukraine. In the air of war, it was said that the defenders of Käärmesaari first experienced a heroic death. According to another version, some of the soldiers surrendered and survived.

It is known that at least part of the group is currently in Ukraine. Whatever the truth, Ukraine has won an important victory in the battle of images. The legend of the mystical island is part of folklore.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi visited the island on Saturday, 500 days after the Russian invasion.

– Snake Island was never conquered by the occupier, just like Ukraine, because we are the country of the brave. Today we honor the soldiers who fought for and liberated the island. The island is a small piece of land in the Black Sea, but it proves that Ukraine will take back all its territory, the president assured.
