Victory for starry Sweden in the WC premiere

Facts: Sweden’s WC matches

12/5 Germany 1–0.

14/5 Austria (19.20).

15/5 Finland (19.20).

18/5 Hungary (16.20).

20/5 France (19.20).

22/5 Denmark (16.20).

23/5 USA (16.20).

Quarter-finals will be played on 25 May, semi-finals on 27 May and the medal matches on 28 May.

Union captain Sam Hallam could breathe a sigh of relief after his World Cup debut.

It ended with victory.

But it was deep inside.

Oscar Lindberg, two-time World Cup gold winner, led 1-0 at the start of the third period in numerical superiority after Jonatan Berggren shot.

Another victory organizer was goalkeeper Lasse Johansson, 35, WC debutant but Olympic goalkeeper last year.

The Frölunda goalkeeper saved a staring and nervous Tre Kronor in the first period. He kept a clean sheet and managed a total of 19 shots.

Sweden had not faced Germany in a championship context since the unexpected quarter-final loss in the 2018 Olympics.

This time it went better – but barely.

Youngest in history

The Swedish team was full of WC debutants. Union captain Sam Hallam made his first championship game and ten players in the lineup were also World Cup freshmen.

Leo Carlsson, the 18-year-old from Örebro, became the youngest WC player in Tre Kronor in history and took his place in the first chain with Lucas Raymond, Detroit, and Alexander Nylander, Pittsburgh.

But it was a hyper-nervous Swedish team initially. The passing game was really bad, which meant that the Swedes didn’t get any play going and barely got over the center line in the first period.

Lasse Johansson ensured with his play that it was 0-0 after the first period.

Dotted the pole

It got slightly better in others, although it was still crampy in some places.

Leo Carlsson created a half position which led to a German expulsion where Oscar Lindberg had a backhand in the post.

Lucas Raymond and André Petersson also created chances, but without being able to outwit German goalkeeper Mathias Niederberger.

Then came the goal in the third period that lifted Tre Kronor to victory.

But more sharp saves were required by Johansson before the three-pointer was secured.

It was a necessary start for a team that had been turned down by several big stars in the NHL.

Confederation captain Sam Hallam believes that this team can still go all the way and take WC gold.

But then there is a lot that needs to be improved in the continuation of the tournament.
