Victoria’s cafe burned down – right-wing extremist motive is being investigated

Victorias cafe burned down right wing extremist motive is being


On the night of May 1, a cafe in Orhem, south of Stockholm, caught fire – the police suspect that it was staged.

According to information to Aftonbladet, a right-wing extremist motive is being investigated.

– I hope they are done with me now, but how will I know, says the cafe owner Victoria.

  • A cafe in Orhem, south of Stockholm, was burned on the night of May 1, and the police suspect that the fire was set with right-wing extremist motives.
  • The cafe owner Victoria, who has been active in various political issues and previously faced threats, now returns to the cafe which is guarded by several police patrols and supported by a local group.
  • Victoria explains that the fire will prevent the cafe from operating for the entire season, but she is determined to keep moving forward.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    Victoria has been baking until half past one in the morning. Every premiere on May 1, a bunch of old men come on their vintage mopeds, the season opening overlaps with their “spring race”. There are usually 150 pieces, she had prepared with buns and prawn sandwiches. After a winter of waiting, summer would begin.

    But that did not happen.

    – I had slept for two hours, then I heard a bang. I thought it was the mop guys who were here and that I had overslept.


    fullscreenVictoria’s cafe was burned down. Photo: Peter Wixtröm

    She runs out of her cabin and sees that the croft is in flames.

    – We have a water ejector at the back of the house for our flowers. I ran there and got the hose on.

    In a valiant attempt, she holds her position while the emergency services arrive.

    – Then I thought it looked like the building would be fine.

    When the fire department arrives, they open the roof and fill the house with water, the fire is successfully contained, but the building is completely damaged. The roof and walls need to be taken down. That work will take the whole season, Victoria explains.


    The fire service’s first assessment was that the fire was arson. Soon after, the case was classified by the police as suspected arson.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, the police are investigating right-wing extremism as a motive for the suspected arson. Almost two weeks later, they are tight-lipped about the investigation.

    “There is no one detained in the case, nor is there any suspect. Otherwise, we do not comment on further circumstances with regard to the investigation,” they write in an email.

    Victoria has long been active in several political issues. Everything from the Palestine movement to “Network Line 17”. In 2013, a lot of attention was directed there when one of their demonstrations was attacked by about thirty Nazis.

    – But I have never perceived my views as controversial. I have seen it as a perfectly reasonable attitude to have, she says.

    She has been outed on social media and is in a vulnerable position. After the fire, several threats have been made in far-right comment fields.

    “Hope they come back,” writes one, “smoke those bastards out,” writes another and “let it burn to the ground next time,” writes a third.

    – It is breathtaking when you think of the violent capital that is evidently found in the new generation of right-wing extremists.

    She continues:

    – Torpet is not a left-wing extremist place. Swedish pensioners have been eating shrimp sandwiches and buns here since about 100 years ago.


    full screen The text on the container testifies to what happened. Photo: Peter Wixtröm

    Now there are several police patrols a day to check the situation.

    – I hope that they (extreme right-wing reds.anm) are done with me, but how should I know?

    A dream of the good life

    Torpet has existed since the 1930s.

    – For me, it is a dream of the good life. My child is raised here, sitting on my hip while I serve panschisar buns. If I can just keep baking my buns, I don’t need much more.

    Despite everything, she sees the future brightly.

    – I am determined to continue forward. Me and my little cafe are carried by hundreds of hands, I’m so happy for that.

    Many friends, regulars and colonists in the area have created a support group.

    – Right now they are serving from a container in the outdoor dining area. They want to continue to make sure that the croft can be kept going. It feels great, says Victoria.
