victims still awaiting compensation

victims still awaiting compensation

Collectives of victims of sexual violence in the Catholic Church and the National Authority for Recognition and Reparation (Inirr) meet this Tuesday, June 14 to talk about compensation for victims of religious pedophiles. It has already been more than eight months since the Sauvé Commission submitted its report and, since then, little progress has been made.

The Church has set up two commissions: the Commission for Reparation and Recognition (CRR), which deals with cases concerning religious congregations, and the Inirr, which deals with matters relating to dioceses. L’Inirr has not yet compensated anyone, but it ensures that the first payments will be made this summer.

Ten files were processed out of the 736 received. Half of the people who took this instance did not ask for money. ” It’s not up to us to beg “, protests Annick Moulin, representative of the collective of victims of Father Louis Ribes. She still hasn’t sent in her repair request: ” These touches that have taken place hundreds of times, how much is it worth? Can money fix anything? I do not know. Repair in any case after the seven years of psychiatric monitoring that I had, that’s for sure. One has the impression that these authorities are there to protect the funds of the Church a little. »

The establishment of a grid to assess compensation

The victims will not receive more than 60,000 euros. To assess the amount of reparation, the Inirr has set up a grid which takes into account the nature of the sexual violence, the consequences for the victim and the failures of the Church. Each criterion is evaluated on a scale ranging from 1 to 10 points. For example, a rape is entitled to 5 points; repeated rapes, that’s 10 points.

This point scale is shocking for Annick Moulin: “ We feel like sub-victims. You feel like you’re no longer a person when there are notes. »

Some victims’ associations also criticize the fact that the ” shortcomings of the Church are among the evaluation criteria, while the Sauvé commission demonstrated the systemic nature of the abuses.

To read: Child crime in the Church: the shock wave of the Sauvé report continues to shake French society
