victims of the Coronthie explosion begin the reconstruction of their neighborhood themselves

victims of the Coronthie explosion begin the reconstruction of their

Six months after the explosion at the Conakry fuel depot which left at least 25 dead and hundreds of houses damaged, the victims are demanding compensation. In the absence of agreement with the authorities, residents of the working-class district of Coronthie, the most affected by the explosion, decided to begin reconstruction on their own. System D and solidarity are the key words of this project, a stone’s throw from the presidency and the ministries.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Conakry, Matthias Raynal

This is my house »: Mamoudou Cifo Kétouré is renovating the small building. Two rooms were flooded by the recent rains. “ There is water because it is not yet covered. This is what the carpenters are working for “, he explains.

This young philosophy professor is the president of the committee Coronthie oil disaster victims. “ We are in the most affected area, located 500 meters from the oil depot. Here we have 55 concessions. Until now, there are families who have not managed to lay a single brick. We are in the process of building our houses ourselves and at our own expense. It’s a working-class neighborhood, a very poor neighborhood. In reality, circumstances have ended up showing people that they must stand up for their own fate. This is what led them to look for ways, even while having debts, of credits to come and make their house », he continues.

Mamoudou is wearing today the revendications from his entire neighborhood: “ We demand compensation. The second point is the full return of all donations. » In the aftermath of the disaster, donations poured in in a surge of national solidarity. But according to Mamoudou, not all of them reached the victims. “ One thing remains clear though: what we are doing is provisional and pending compensation because it is the law that requires it. », he finishes.

The State has released 800,000 euros to rehouse the victims. This solution was not discussed with the residents, denounces Mamoudou Cifo Kétouré. Today, Coronthie is at an impasse.
