Vice President of Argentina, accused of corruption, was pointed in the face with a loaded gun – the gun did not go off

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The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, described the incident that happened on Thursday evening as the most serious event since Argentina’s return to democracy.

In Argentina, the vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pointed a loaded gun in front of this home.

According to videos circulating on social media, the barrel of a gun was brought from the crowd right in front of Fernández de Kirchner’s face as he was getting into a car, and then quickly pulled away.

The suspect was arrested immediately after the incident. According to local authorities, the suspect is a 35-year-old man of Brazilian origin.

The incident happened on Thursday evening in Buenos Aires. According to authorities, Fernández de Kirchner was not injured in the incident and no shots were fired.

President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez says the suspect’s gun was loaded. He described the incident as the most serious event since Argentina’s return to democracy.

– The man pointed a gun at Fernández de Kirchner’s head and pulled the trigger. He is still alive because, for an as yet unknown reason, the gun did not go off, President Fernández said, according to Reuters.

Vice President indicted for corruption

Vice President Fernández de Kirchner himself served as the country’s president from 2007 to 2015. The prosecutor is currently demanding a 12-year prison sentence for corruption.

The former president is accused of defrauding the state and complicity in the misuse of public funds during his presidency. Fernández de Kirchner is suspected of favoring her husband, himself a former president, embroiled in several corruption scandals by Nestor Kirchercompanies in public contracts.

Fernández de Kirchner, who divides opinions but still enjoys the popularity of the left, has assured that he is innocent. His view is that prosecutors are pursuing him for political reasons.

Thursday evening’s incident happened in front of Fernández de Kirchner’s home. Hundreds of supporters have gathered there in recent days to support him and demonstrate against corruption charges.
