Vice President Kamala Harris appealed to the big financiers of Biden’s election campaign: We are going to win this election | News in brief

In order to reassure hesitant donors, a calming call was organized on Friday at short notice.

Vice President of the United States Terrible Harris assured major donors to the Democratic presidential campaign on Friday that the party would win the election. However, a growing number of Democratic congressmen are demanding the president Joe Biden to withdraw from the candidacy.

– We are going to win this election, Harris said in a short-notice call to reassure donors. One of the participants in the call told about it.

– We know which candidate in this election will put the American people first: our president Joe Biden, the vice president said.

The call came Friday after Biden announced he would remain in the race and the Democratic Party planned to speed up his formal nomination. However, at least 29 Democratic congressmen and four senators have so far publicly asked Biden to withdraw from the race.

According to the Reuters news agency, several of the Democrats’ election campaign financiers have threatened to close their money taps. Donors were invited to the half-hour briefing “to discuss urgent, emerging needs”.

According to unnamed Reuters sources, Vice President Harris participated in the call at the direct request of a senior adviser to President Biden.

At 2:27, the number of congressmen and senators demanding Biden’s withdrawal was specified.

Source: Reuters
