Viagra May Reduce Risk of Emergency C-Section, New Study Finds

Viagra May Reduce Risk of Emergency C Section New Study Finds

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    What if Viagra became an ally for expectant mothers? This drug, well known for treating erectile dysfunction, could also play a surprising role in reducing the risk of emergency cesarean sections in pregnant women. A new study published recently highlights this surprising use of sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra.

    Conducted in the United Kingdom, this study found that giving Viagra early in labor to pregnant women could significantly reduce the need for emergency caesarean sections. The researchers observed that the drug promoted better blood flow to the uterus, helping to prevent complications related to prolonged labor.

    Promising results, but caution required

    Emergency cesarean sections, performed when vaginal delivery becomes too risky for the mother or baby, are often the result of prolonged labor or a lack of fetal oxygenation. By optimizing blood flow to the uterus with sildenafil, doctors hope to avoid these critical situations.

    The study was conducted on 208 women about to give birth. Half of the women received up to three doses of Viagra during labor (0 mg every 6 hours), while the others received a placebo. In the Viagra group, 13 of the 104 women had to have an emergency cesarean section. In the control group, 27 women, more than twice as many, had emergency surgery.

    According to the authors, “The results showed that sildenafil can effectively reduce the rate of cesarean section and emergency fetal distress during labor“.

    Towards routine treatment for childbirth?

    The results of this study, although promising, still require further research to ensure the effectiveness and safety of sildenafil for mothers and children. Only large-scale clinical trials will allow us to know if this medication can be considered for routine use.

    If so, Viagra could become a routine treatment for pregnant women to reduce complications during childbirth. This would be a major step forward, as emergency cesarean sections are often associated with higher risks of complications for both mother and child, including post-operative infections, hemorrhage and prolonged hospital stays.

    Previous studies on Viagra during pregnancy

    This isn’t the first time Viagra has been tested on pregnant women. The findings echo a similar 2019 Australian study of 300 women, which also found a “very promising” 50% reduction in emergency surgery among women who took Viagra during labor.

    If Viagra continues to prove its effectiveness in this context, it could well become an unexpected ally for millions of women around the world.
