Veterinary prices are increased – Anicura’s CEO takes 10 million in salary

Veterinary prices are increased Anicuras CEO takes 10 million

Having a pet is not cheap, it should have food, grooming products, toys and other necessities. In addition to that, it is good to have insurance in case the animal gets sick or has an accident. But even if you have insurance, your visit to the vet can be an expensive story. In recent times, more and more pet owners have testified about increased veterinary costs around the country.

Swedish veterinary care is a billion-dollar industry led by the giants Evidensia and Anicura. The company Anicura Sweden AB had a turnover of 1.4 billion in 2023.

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Here are the country’s most expensive veterinary clinics

In a survey carried out by the insurance company Agria, the percentage increase has been over 70 percent during the period 2018 to 2023.

News24 has previously listed the most expensive vets. Is yours on the list?

  • Evidensia Animal Hospital, Helsingborg.
  • Awake Animal Hospital, Stockholm.
  • Evidensia Animal Hospital, Östersund.
  • AniCura Bagarmossen, Stockholm.
  • Veterinary prices have increased. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT

    READ MORE: Sweden’s 10 most expensive vets – an injury costs 24,000

    Who is the CEO of Anicura?

    Azita Shariati took over as CEO of Anicura in 2019 and since then she has contributed to the company increasing its growth by 30 percent, writes CEO of the newspaper.

    Shariati is originally from Tehran and moved to Sweden with her boyfriend, now husband, when she was 20 years old. She has won several awards, including “Most powerful woman in business” and “Sweden’s best manager”, reports Quinyx.

    She also spoke about summer in “Summer in P1” in 2019. There she talked about, among other things, growing up in Iran and moving to Sweden.

    Azita Shariati. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

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    Million rain over Azita Shariati

    So what does one earn as CEO of one of Sweden’s leading animal care companies?

    According to information from Tax Agency that Nyheter24 has learned of, Azita Shariati had a fixed acquisition income of a whopping 10,891,000 kroner in 2023. If you spread it over the 12 months of the year, it gives an average monthly salary of a staggering 907.5 thousand kroner.

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