The weather for the holidays and school holidays is not very encouraging. However, the sun could make an appearance which should be taken advantage of on these specific dates!
The first half of December was marked by gray weather, with a significant lack of sunshine. In certain cities such as Orléans, Paris or Valenciennes, the sun was half as bright as seasonal norms. A drop in temperatures was also noted at the end of last week, but this did not last. Temperatures are gradually rising and could exceed seasonal averages by 3 to 4 degrees. This weather will melt the snow.
This Saturday, December 21 marks the start of the school holidays. First certainty: the first weekend of winter is wet. On Saturday, a disturbance will cross a large northern half with temporary rain and wind. Snow will fall from 1000 meters above sea level, particularly in the Vosges and the Jura. On Sunday, the disturbance will continue, but with drier weather and clearings near the Mediterranean.
After the weekend will come the start of the festivities. For the holidays, “expect calm and anticyclonic conditions over most of the territory, without precipitation”, predicts The Weather Channel. However, clouds can be numerous, especially in the northern part. It’s a time of gloomy grayness in short. A few showers remain possible at the start of the week in the northwest, but they should remain light.

In the south-west, there will be numerous clearings around December 25, “especially near the Mediterranean with the mistral and tramontane which should clear the sky”.
After Christmas, sunny spells will finally be noticeable everywhere, with slightly cooler weather, leading to morning frosts. A trend confirmed by Météo-France: “At the start of the week, the weather should be unsettled and temporarily rainy over most of the country except around the Mediterranean.”
“A clear improvement is expected for the end of the period with the return of anticyclonic conditions. Temperatures should remain above seasonal norms,” also indicates the weather institute. The improvement will gradually begin on Thursday, December 26 and will be evident over the last days of the week. And the sun will finally be here for a few days, we will have to take advantage of it!
The end of December and the beginning of January could be marked by mild weather, with calm days and temperatures above seasonal norms; the gray could return, but not the rain. Bad news for the snow in the mountains and those who plan to ski during these two weeks of vacation.