Very difficult to detect: Men beware! What is pancreatic cancer, what are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

Very difficult to detect Men beware What is pancreatic cancer

Although there is a high chance of recovery with early diagnosis, experts agree that there is no measure that can be taken for this disease. In pancreatic cancer, especially in advanced stage patients, chemotherapy can be applied to increase the chance of surgery or to reduce current complaints. However, if it can be done, the primary treatment should be surgery.

Cancer is a systemic disease. Although the stage is very important, there is a possibility of metastasis later in the abdomen or lungs. Continuous follow-up is required after the operation.


Even the smallest symptoms need to be considered in order to cope with pancreatic cancer, which is very rare under the age of 40 and occurs more often in men than in women. So what are these symptoms? General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan Karatepe gave information about the subject.


  • general malaise
  • Anorexia, weight loss, nausea
  • Bloating and extremely painful gas
  • Abdominal pain, especially after eating
  • dark urination
  • Defecation close to straw color (Very light brown)
  • Back pain in advanced pancreatic cancer

If you have one or more of these, you should definitely apply to a general surgeon.
