Veronesi (SNAM): “It now basic competence, important schools and universities in innovation ecosystem”

Sustainability Snam the new path to listening to the territories

(Finance) – “Information Technology is no longer a prerogative of some dedicated corporate division. In today’s companies, if anything, it refers more and more to a basic, widespread, founding competence, and the generative artificial intelligence, from this point of view, is a powerful accelerator. ” He said it Giorgio Veronesi, Executive Director Digital Technology and Innovation of Snam, speaking today in Naples at Feuromed, the Euro -Mediterranean Festival of the economy, which for the edition of this year has focused on the elaboration of a Mediterranean model for artificial intelligence.

“Moreover – Veronesi himself said in the margin – innovating is possible only in an ecosystem logic, inclusive, to which not only companies must compete but also other social actors, such as schools and universities, from which it is reasonable to expect a further shot forward.” Sam’s commitment in the increasingly advanced formation of its employees reiterated, involved on several levels – also through transversal teams to the different realities of the group – in testing and adoption of new technologies “.
Snam – added Veronesi – looks to the coming innovation for the optimization of assets and processes, but it is also very attentive to the open and to the expounts innovation, because from dialogue with the world of start -ups, which need to test themselves on significant stairs, at any time, winning solutions that help to increase the efficiency and sustainability of the business can emerge. As gas infrastructure operators – the group manager concluded – we certainly do not want to equate to the companies of the High Tech, but we take our role as a federator of infrastructure and in partnerships with other realities we have created projects that in addition to improving our technological equipment have had reflections positive for communities, providing public connectivity in less covered areas and thus generating shared value. “
