Verdict given for Maxwell convicted in US sex trafficking case

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Ghislaine Maxwell, who was found guilty of helping US billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in prison while being detained in the US for sexual abuse of girls, pedophilia and creating a network of prostitution, was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Ghislaine Maxwell, who was convicted in a federal court in New York, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for “mediating in the sexual exploitation of underage girls”.

Just before announcing the verdict, Judge Alison Nathan said Maxwell’s crime was “wide-ranging” and required a substantial prison sentence “to deter others from exploiting minor victims”.

The 60-year-old daughter of newspaper magnate Robert Maxwell was given a prison sentence of far less than the 30 to 55 years that federal prosecutors had requested for his “intermediary role in the sexual abuse of multiple young girls.”

Ghislaine Maxwell, who was found guilty of helping her boyfriend Epstein, requested a retrial at the hearing on January 20.


Ghislaine Maxwell, who was tried for allegedly assisting Epstein’s illegal activities in the organization of luring underage girls into the prostitution trap for some rich, famous and government officials, was found guilty on 5 of the 6 charges brought against him by the jury on December 30, 2021.

Epstein’s ex-girlfriend, 60-year-old British-born Maxwell, claimed at the hearings that he was innocent, was held unjustly in custody and was ill-treated.

Maxwell was arrested on sex trafficking charges in July 2020.

Epstein, who was imprisoned for similar crimes, was found dead in his cell at the Metropolitan Prison in Manhattan in 2019. (AA)
