Venice forbids loudspeakers and large parties

Venice forbids loudspeakers and large parties

Published 2024-01-04 23.52

Finito! The people of Venice have had enough of galloping tourism.

They jump into the gondolas and escape the floating city.

The authorities’ last hope is to channel the tourists away with entry and bans, the BBC reports.

From the spring of 2024, tourists will be forced to buy a ticket to visit the popular tourist island of Venice.

But the Italian authorities’ attempts to tame the galloping tourism do not end there.

Now two more laws have been hammered through – which prohibit loudspeakers and groups of more than 25 people.

The islanders’ alarm about beds

Loud music blaring out of speakers causes ‘confusion’. And the large parties lead to chaos on the picturesque streets, the authorities explain in a statement.

Already in April, the islanders raised the alarm about unsustainable tourism after a report showed that 13 million tourists visited Venice in 2019, according to BBC.

Then the citizens’ association Ocio carried out a study which showed that the number of beds for tourists was greater than the number of beds available for local residents.

The price of Venice

Experts from the UN organization Unesco highlighted in July this year that Venice should be added to the list of world heritage in danger.

A first step for the authorities to lure back the islanders fleeing the city in fear of tourism is the daily fee for 2024 – which was presented in September.

full screen The large groups of tourists lead to chaos on the picturesque streets of Venice, according to the Italian authorities. Photo: Luca Bruno / AP

The charge is not permanent yet but will be on trial for 30 public holidays in the coming year.

A one-day visit to the historic parts of the city will then cost five euros, corresponding to around SEK 60 per person.
