The Cataclysm Classic expansion was released for World of Warcraft on May 21, 2024. After just three hours, the first hero had already reached the new maximum level of 85. Behind this record is a remarkable revenge story.
Who grabbed the level record? The streamer LMGD1 was able to bring his elemental shaman from level 80 to the new maximum level of 85 after less than three hours. For comparison: Paladin player Athene needed about six hours to do this in the original Cataclysm expansion.
What at first glance looks like a simple classic record has much more to offer at second glance. It’s about a two-year-old injustice, the revenge that is due and Blizzard developers who wanted to slow down the incredible sprint of LMGD1 with hotfixes.
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How was LMGD1 able to level so quickly? During the Cataclysm Classic beta, the streamer found a place in the southeast of the Shadow Highlands with seven opponents who rewarded their untimely death with a lot of experience points and immediately respawned.
This is just perfect if you want to hunt for XP without taking a break. Even better: There’s a PvP event taking place nearby, through which you can earn a powerful buff that grants 1,000 spell power and 400 attack power.
LMGD1 also brought some friends with him for the launch of Cataclysm Classic. They ensured that the Horde dominated the event around the clock and that the streamer was provided with important class buffs. The Druids’ thorn effect alone is said to have caused enormous additional damage due to the 1,000 extra spell power.
Last but not least, a friendly magician and warlock were in a duel during XP farming. The sorcerer cast Curse of the Elements on the mage, who redirected the effect by casting Arcane Blast to the NPC fighters hit. Less resistance and more magic damage are the result of this trick.
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How did Blizzard react to this strategy? At times, LMGD1 was able to collect almost 13 million experience points per hour this way. The Blizzard developers noticed this and responded with a hotfix: Suddenly the enemies on the beach no longer gave experience points at all. At the time, the streamer was close to level 84.
The group then moved on to the nearby tanks. The advantage there: As soon as you destroyed the tank, the nearby mechanics also died. XP is given to all enemies. The respawn was also high enough here to be able to fight without a break.
YouTuber Sarthe breaks down LMGD1’s strategy in his new video:
But the developers were now obviously watching the actions of LMGD1. After a while, the new opponents no longer gave experience points. So he went on to Tiefenheim, where he could no longer level quite as efficiently (six million XP per hour), but he was no longer torpedoed by the developers there.
What injustice was that two years ago? During the stream on Twitch, LMGD1 explained that he had put even more effort into the level race in WotLK Classic in order to be the first player ever to reach level 80.
However, streamer Naowh beat him to it, using an exploit that was very reminiscent of LMGD1’s current strategy to reach level 80 first. At the time, Blizzard developers did not intervene to prevent the unauthorized exploitation of the game mechanics. You can read more about it here: World First! First player reaches level 80 in WotLK Classic – uses ancient exploit