Venezuela votes in presidential elections – elections described as the most significant in 25 years | News in brief

Current President Nicolás Maduro has threatened the country with massacre and civil war if there is an attempt to oust him.

21:56•Updated 21:59

In Venezuela, 21 million people will vote on Sunday in a presidential election that has been described as the most significant in the country’s Socialist Party’s 25-year rule.

An autocratic president who held power in the elections for 11 years Nicolás Maduro face a candidate who is uniformly supported by the opposition Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia.

An opposition victory is believed to be possible for the first time in decades.

However, election observers have questioned the extent to which Sunday’s elections will be held fairly. Among other things, the United States has considered that Maduro’s election in the previous elections of 2018 was fraudulent.

Maduro himself has described Venezuela as having the most transparent electoral system in the world, but has also threatened the country with massacre and civil war if there is an attempt to oust him.

Read more about the topic here.

Sources: Reuters, AFP
