Venerable PvE MMORPG Brings New Lootbox – Take it back as players rebel and threaten the end

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The MMORPG Everquest 2 has been running for almost 20 years now and is still being developed. In March, Daybreak developers planned to introduce a new loot box system. This was heavily criticized by players as “Pay2Win”. After a few weeks, the developers gave in.

What were those loot boxes? About two weeks ago, new loot boxes were introduced in Everquest 2. The idea was:

  • Players get more opportunities to loot raid gear when purchasing the loot boxes in the cash shop.
  • Because the loot boxes bypass the strict rules for lockouts, so players buy a new roll on boss loot.
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    Loot boxes bring about one raid item for every $20

    This is exactly how the boxes worked: The MMOBOMB site explains that while there is no “smart loot” to be gained through the boxes, so useless items could come out, but whoever buys the boxes has unlimited chances of a drop and bypasses the actually strict 18-hour timer.

    According to a source at the site, players could snag a raid item for about $20 this way.

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    How was the reaction of the fans? She was pretty pissed off. In a thread about the items there were comments like (via forums):

  • “Please remove this absolute cash grab. Uncheck any boxes currently on the servers and apologize to the community before it’s too late.”
  • “Nobody likes these boxes. Please remove them.”
  • “These boxes will destroy the finely tuned itemization. Please disable them.”
  • Time and time again, the boxes have been described as “Pay2Win,” a way to get better at the game by spending money.

    One player said the system is extremely dangerous for the game. Many would just quit if it stayed that way in the MMORPG.

    How does the developer react? About 2 weeks after the introduction of the loot system, the complaints were so loud that the developers reported it via a forum post. We heard the feedback and decided to remove the items from the game. They are no longer sold.

    It also says that this type of item will no longer be offered in the future because it violates the “common values”. In the future, however, other loot boxes will be offered that are based on previous boxes.

    To avoid such problems in the future, they want to open a new forum to talk about class balance. Daybreak now wants to communicate more and faster with the players of their MMORPG.

    Nice to see that players can make positive changes with united feedback.

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