In the current episode of Dragon Ball Daima, Vegeta shows off a new form that fans have never officially seen from him before. But this form has already been seen indirectly before – even in the adult Vegeta.
What kind of shape is that? Vegeta transforms into Triple Super Saiyan in the 12th episode of Dragon Ball Daima. He fights against the Tamagami from the second demon world and has to do his best.
You can see what it looks like in the following picture:
Vegeta grows longer hair and loses his eyebrows.
In Triple Super Saiyan, Saiyans’ hair grows rapidly compared to SSJ2, whereas they lose their eyebrows. You can already see visually that Vegeta is using the SSJ3. This has never happened in the anime before, probably because this Saiyan form requires so much energy.
But Vegeta finally manages to use Triple Super Saiyan. Unfortunately, the Z-Troop around Son Goku has been shrunk, which is why we only see this special form on Vegeta as a child. But there was already an appearance by Vegeta in which he transformed into the SSJ3 as an adult.
The shrinking problem becomes clear in the trailer for Dragon Ball Daima:
In Dragon Ball DAIMA, Son Goku and his friends shrink
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Vegeta was already seen as an adult with the SSJ3
Where was Vegeta seen as SSJ3? Since the original mangaka Akira Toriyama passed away, his assistant Toyotarou will succeed him and continue the Dragon Ball Super manga. He is a suitable candidate as he already has experience drawing the characters through his own manga called Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission.
And it was precisely in this manga that Vegeta appeared. In Chapters 21 and 22, Majin Vegeta reached the state of SSJ3. He teamed up with Spopovich and Yamu to defeat his own version in SSJ4 form.
You can see his appearance in a tweet from DBZcom:
This form has even longer hair than Vegeta’s child version. So fans already had an impression of what Vegeta looks like as SSJ3 10 years ago.
What kind of manga is this? Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission is a spin-off of the Dragon Ball manga and is about a boy named Beat. He ends up in a Dragon Ball arcade game where many characters from the anime appear.
The wildest combinations and shapes that never existed in the official manga are possible. This also made SSJ4-Vegeta’s fight against SSJ3-Vegeta possible. So the form wasn’t 100% official at the time, but it showed 10 years ago that Vegeta had mastered Triple Super Saiyan and what he would look like.
However, if you want to imagine Vegeta in his normal state as a triple Super Saiyan, you’ll have to forget the black M on his forehead. MeinMMO tells you where he got the M and what it means in a separate article: Dragon Ball: This is the meaning of the M on Vegeta’s forehead