The pot with: – VDA (La Voix Des Anges), Ivorian zouglou duet. Jim and Pitch have been playing on the Ivorian music scene since 2012. They will be performing at the Casino de Paris on Sunday May 14th. – Kareen Guiock-Thuram, journalist on M6 for twenty years, devotes herself today to her passion by proposing an album called Nina, and in homage to Nina Simone, legend of music and jazz. The album Nina is available since April 28. Kareen Guiock-Thuram will be in concert at the Café de la Danse on Tuesday May 16 as part of the Paris Music festival. – Yoan Prat, founder of Yard, and Hamad, founder of Booska-P, co-organizers of Les Flammes, the popular culture ceremony to be held at the Théâtre du Châtelet on Thursday 11 May.
VDA, Kareen Guiock-Thuram, Hamad and Yoan Prat in the Pot of Tropical Colors