Vattenfall is looking for future labor among children in Luleå

So far, it is a plank and very much like a construction site, but at the end of April the exhibition Drivkraft will be inaugurated.

– Then you should, if you dare, get to feel what it’s like to get hit, says Kristina Jonsson, operations manager at Teknikens hus.

Many skills are needed

Luleå Energi and Vattenfall are building the exhibition together with Teknikens hus.

Johan Dasht is CEO of Vattenfall water power and he points out that many skills and people are needed in the transition to electrification of traffic and industry.

Join us on a tour

One of the things you will learn at the exhibition is to understand how district heating and hot water get to our houses.

In the clip below, we follow along on a tour where the construction begins to take shape.
