Variant Covid BA.5: majority in France, what symptoms?

Variant Covid BA5 majority in France what symptoms

NEW COVID VARIANT. BA.5, a sub-variant of Omicron, is the majority in France, representing 59% of covid cases. Fatigue and sore throat are the most common symptoms. It is more transmissible and more eludes vaccine.

[Mise à jour le 5 juillet 2022 à 10h41] The initial virus of the Covid-19 disease, Sars-Cov-2, mutated several times to the variant Omicron which began to arrive at the end of 2021 in France. Now ubiquitous, this variant has five sublineages of which the BA.5 which is now in the majority. As it is a new variant, he knows less people so he is more active indicated Charles-Henry Guez, general practitioner on BFM TV The 4th of July. “As soon as we get to know it a little better, its virulence will decrease. We mainly see symptoms of a bad cold, with temperature, a headache but this time we continue to feel. It is less important but the patients are very tired“said the vice-president of the union of liberal doctors (URPS). He [BA.5] is more contagiousthere is more immune escape and he may be more dangerous. Side symptomsinstead of lasting an average of 4 days, they last rather 7 days or even 10 days so we contaminate longer“explained Dr. Damien Mascret, on France 2 June 27. Discovery.

What is the BA.5 variant?

BA.4 and BA.5 are sublineages of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. The BA.4 and BA.5 sublineages began to be identified in January and February 2022 in South Africa according to ECDC; early April according to Public Health France. They spread to Portugalleading to a new wave of Covid-19 in May that was particularly virulent for the over 80s.

What are the symptoms of the BA.5 variant?

According to Santé Publique France, the most frequent clinical signs in the event of infection with the BA.4 and BA.5 variants are fatigue, cough, fever and headache. Furthermore, “the probability of present anosmia [perte d’odorat] and ageusia [perte du goût]but also nausea, vomiting and diarrhea is higher for BA.4/BA.5″ cases says the health agency.

Age and symptoms of BA.4 and BA.5 cases compared to BA.1 cases as of June 15 © Public Health France

How long do symptoms of the BA5 variant last?

The duration of clinical signs is on average 7 days for the cases of BA.4 and BA.5 versus 4 days for other Omicron cases.

What is the rate of the BA.5 variant in France?

The Omicron BA.5 sub-lineage is predominantannouncement Public Health France June 30. In the last Flash survey of June 13, BA.5 accounted for 59% interpretable sequences against 21% for BA.2″. The previous week “the observed data indicated 37% for BA.2 and 41% for BA.5“.

Sublineages of the Omicron variant during Flash surveys June 2022
Sub-lineages of the Omicron variant during Flash surveys as of 06/27/2022 © Public Health France

Is the BA.5 variant more contagious?

The BA5 is more contagious than BA2. Considering the fact that it is more contagious, it escapes post-vaccination immunity a little better so we will probably continue to see this resurgence of new cases in the coming weeks“, explained Yves Buisson, president of the Covid cell of the Academy of Medicine on Europe on June 7. The sub-lineages of Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 replaced the BA.2 and led to a new epidemic wave in South Africa (5th wave). Same thing for the BA.5 exclusively in Portugal (with a heavier epidemiological impact on the over 80s).

In South Africa : the BA.4 growth rate is +8% per day compared to BA2; +12% for BA.5.

In Portugal :BA.5 was associated with an epidemic resumption but the peak of this wave which started at the end of April now seems to have passed. If this is confirmed, the amplitude of the wave will have been much less than the previous one.” informed Public Health France on June 15.

Is the BA.5 variant more dangerous?

Data accumulated in several countries did not observe an increase in severity associated with BA.4 and BA.5. According to the latest ECDC epidemiological report reported by Santé Publique France on June 15, “There is currently no indication of any change in severity for cases infected with BA.4 or BA.5 compared to other Omicron sublines”. The rate
of hospitalization is not significantly higher for BA.4 and BA.5 compared to BA.1 and the majority of hospitalized cases present risk factors. “The median length of hospitalization (for BA4 or BA5 cases, editor’s note) is 5 days“adds the health organization.

What are the differences between the BA.5 variant and the BA.2 variant?

BA.4, BA.5 spread better than BA.2. This one (BA5, editor’s note) escapes the vaccine a little better. And it shows the evolutionary capacity of the virus which is able to evade vaccines, at the same time as increasing its transmission. But we also know that symptoms are not more severe“said epidemiologist Anne-Claude Crémieux on June 22 on FranceInfo. “These two sub-lineages are quite similar to BA.2 but their Spike protein also has the mutations L452R/F486V and the R493Q reversion. BA.4 and BA.5 soon replaced BA.2 in South Africa. BA.4 and BA.5“reported Public Health France on May 18. The mutation L452R, which was also found on the Delta variant, continues to increase in positive Covid tests in France. L’Median age of cases investigated in France is 47 years old, higher than that of BA.1 infection cases (35 years).


– Risk analysis on emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2 carried out jointly by Public Health France and the CNR for respiratory infection viruses, June 15, 2022.

– Epidemiological update: SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sublines BA.4 and BA.5, ECDC, May 13, 2022

– Epidemiological Bulletin, Public Health France
