Vårdförbundet: The strike breaks out tomorrow

No solution to the care conflict ever came. The healthcare union and the employers are too far apart and the mediators currently see no opportunity to present an offer.

– Of course it’s very sad, we don’t really want a strike, says Fredrika Fredmark, press secretary at the Health Confederation.

Conflict between the Healthcare Association and the employers

  • Anna-Karin’s back surgery at NUS in Umeå was postponed several times during the care conflict

  • The healthcare union withdraws several strike notices in Skåne that are considered dangerous to society

  • “The lock is in the demand for a general shortening of working hours and we cannot meet that demand,” states Jeanette Hedberg, head of negotiations at SKR, in a written comment.

    However, the parties have been called to a new meeting on Wednesday.

    Another notice is pending

    Around 2,000 members of the Vårdförbundet at seven of the country’s largest hospitals will be covered by the strike.

    The five regions affected are: Stockholm, Västra Götaland, Skåne, Östergötland and Västerbotten.

    A second notice could lead to another strike on June 11. Then a further 1,900 people at, among other things, care or health centers are covered.

    The conflict is above all about the Care Association’s demands for shorter working hours and sustainable schedules.
