Van in Scania tries to kidnap children

Van in Scania tries to kidnap children

In just the space of a few days, two kidnapping attempts were made in Skåne. In both cases, children have been the target of the attempts, and the police are now asking the public for tips.

Man in black van caught boy

The first kidnapping attempt must have taken place on Friday, March 15 at around 1 p.m. The boy, who was of primary school age, was on his way home from school in Höganäs, which HD was the first to report on.

A man allegedly got out of a black van and chased the boy. The man allegedly got hold of the boy and tried to drag him into the van where another man was sitting. The boy managed to escape from the man’s grasp and the incident was reported to the police.

The police should have descriptions of the man, but have not released them. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT.

On Monday, March 18, there was another attempted kidnapping of a child. This time in Ystad.

Lured with candy

Then a girl met a man who offered her sweets if she accompanied her into his van. This van was also black. The girl got scared and ran away. This kidnapping attempt was also reported to the police.

– You should never make contact with strangers. Run from the scene, back to school and contact people they know, the police say Patric Nihlén to Ystad’s Allehanda.

The police should have a description of the man, but have not released this information. Parents are instead urged to talk to their children and inform the police if they have seen a black van driving slowly.

Young woman quit her boarding house – was kidnapped, beaten and robbed

Police are appealing for tips

– We are still keen to receive more witness information, says Nihlén and continues:

– If you have seen anything in the area around Hedeskoga and Källesjö, if you have seen a black van driving slowly somewhere in Ystad, we would like you to get in touch.

A police spokesperson tells TT Jimmy Modine that it is still unclear whether it is the same man.

– There are two notifications with some similarities. But there is a difference in distance between Höganäs and Ystad, says Modin.

You can either tip the police by calling 114 14 or via police website.

Read more news from Nyheter24 here:

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