Van Gogh’s paintings were thrown with soup again in London, after prison sentences had just been given for the previous attack | News in brief

Van Goghs paintings were thrown with soup again in London

The boards were not damaged in the impact. The police have arrested the climate activists.

19:17•Updated 19:35

Three activists have thrown soup for two Vincent van Gogh over the sunflower painting in London’s National Gallery. The boards were not damaged.

The activists belong to the British climate activist group Just Stop Oil. The police have arrested them.

The organization has published about the latest attack video on his X account.

The arrest took place just hours after two activists were convicted in London of a similar attack in 2022. Also at that time, activists threw tomato soup over van Gogh’s Sunflowers.

One of the activists was sentenced to two years and the other to 20 months in prison for causing damage.

At that time, the painting was not damaged, but the safety glass protecting it was damaged. The tomato soup caused damages of 10,000 pounds, or about 12,000 euros, to the art museum.

The value of the work Sunflowers, painted by the Dutchman van Gogh in the 1880s, is around 35.7 million euros.

Sources: Reuters, AFP, AP
