Valve is ready to help Microsoft bring Game Pass to Steam

Valve is ready to help Microsoft bring Game Pass to

Valve does not intend to offer games by subscription. In any case, said Gabe Newell, his boss, when he was questioned by gaming pc on the possibility of Valve creating a “Steam Pass” or offering Microsoft’s Game Pass on Steam in the future.

“I don’t think it’s something we think we should do ourselves, create a subscription service at this time. But for their customers, it’s clearly a popular option, and we’d be more than happy to work with them to get that on Steam. »

Obviously, Valve does not intend to create this type of offer, but leaves the door ajar, and even offers its help so that Microsoft can offer its Game Pass via its platform.

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And if the possibility of downloading the games offered in Microsoft’s rather well-stocked catalog may seem utopian, Steam users, and more particularly Steam Deck owners, could see this dream come true.
Microsoft would not be the first player to be able to offer such an offer on Steam, the platform already offering the EA Games service since 2020.

Source: gaming pc
