Valérie Pécresse or the progressive increase in wages

Valerie Pecresse or the progressive increase in wages

The candidate The Republicans would like to increase 10% in 5 years the net salary of those who earn less than €2,800 per month. Also, from July 2022she plans to increase the wages of 3% by lowering social security contributions.

Thanks to a policy of lowering charges and reducing standards, companies will have to mobilize to achieve 5% increase in 2023 and 10% to the end of his five-year term. A commitment that will be kept in all cases according to Valérie Pécresse even if the State takes over.

In his program, there is also a measure on the retirement pension. It could no longer be less than a monthly net minimum wage, to allow the oldest to “live in dignity”, as she regularly reminds her during her campaign.
