Valérie Pécresse in cantilever after the divided vote of the LR

Valerie Pecresse in cantilever after the divided vote of the

The adoption, Wednesday evening, January 5, at first reading in the National Assembly of the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass showed the divisions that exist within parliamentarians The Republicans on this subject.

Twenty-eight deputies for, 24 against and 22 abstentions, not to mention the many absent. The boss of the right in the Assembly may say, the LR deputies acted in dispersed order during the vote on the vaccine pass.

These divisions had already appeared on Monday, at the start of consideration of the bill, but Emmanuel Macron’s shattering declarations against the unvaccinated only reinforced them. It was also one of the objectives of the Head of State: to force his rivals in the presidential election to choose a camp.

Either the right-wing deputies voted for the vaccine pass and therefore, in hollow, for the president’s strategy ” to piss off »The unvaccinated. Either they voted against and found themselves pushed towards the bench of antivax and “ irresponsible “, In the words of Emmanuel Macron.

► To read also: “Piss off” the unvaccinated: Macron descends into the presidential arena

Enough to embarrass Valérie Pécresse. Candidate LR is in favor of the vaccine and she is in favor of the vaccine pass, but she is also trying to distance herself from the president and his management of the health crisis. A “at the same time” that Macron wants to depict in confusion to rule out this serious competitor and reactivate its duel with the extreme right.

► To read also: Covid-19: the National Assembly adopts the bill establishing the vaccine pass

